concrete mixertruck drum cleaning solutions
buildup removal robot – washout robot – hopperlift – concrete monitor

robotic concrete buildup PREVENTION / WASHOUT for truckmixer drums

robotic concrete buildup REMOVAL for truckmixer drums

an automatic lifter for easy facilitating drum washout and buildup removal
About Blascon
Blascon B.V. is a Dutch company established in 2009 introducing in Europe a robotic mixer drum concrete buildup removal system named DrumJet-G1. This machine has been partly re-engineered and optimized by Blascon with result that 1st generation DrumJets still are going strong in 2025. Due to the demands of the ready mixed concrete industry Blascon developed additional to the DrumJet-G1:
- DrumJet-LP a washout-robot for daily quick & thorough washout of mixerdrums
- HopperLift a retrofit kit making the charge-hopper moveable and facilitating automated washout & removal
mixerdrum = confined space
Blascon NL Office
Stationsstraat 5A
NL – 7573 AT Oldenzaal
Phone: +31 625 307 807
Blascon NL Delivery
Schelmaatstraat 21
7575 BC Oldenzaal
Blascon Deutschland
Twentestrasse 2
D – 48527 Nordhorn
Telefon: +49 1520 6273 901